What can we do for you? 

We propose solutions for your sales and IT problems :

1. Sales

Our consultancy helps you with the challenges of the sales and marketing of your products and services.

2. IT

Our consultancy and solutions for your IT problems are covered by :

a. Installation & sale of IT solutions
We sell and install Apple or PC computers, printers, scanners, networks and software.

b. Custom applications
We develop for you applications in the development environment adapted to your needs :

i. In Filemaker Pro
In Filemaker Pro we already have developed a series of specific applications. Some examples :

An administration package for the company Locomoson.
A fitness application for Clarks Gym.
An administration package for the company Echo Communication.
A car bodyshop management system for Carrosserie Gilbert


ii. In Basic
As an example of an application in Basic, we can mention the LBS laboratory, where we maintain an application for the export of test results to the IT applications of the doctors.

iii. In C or C++
For I.R.I.S. we have developed the IRISPen for Macintosh.

iv. and other environments
As we have more than 20 year of IT expertise, we have already completed projects in other environments like Crystal Info, Applescript, Frontier, ... . We stay at your disposal to discuss your needs and to develop together the computer system application in the environment that best suits your needs.
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